Thursday, May 27, 2010

What do you think about this??....

I want to help victims of abuse... but why not just reach out to all people!! The prostitutes, dope boys, junkies... whoever you are!!... Talk about what's going on. We need to stop pretending like the world is ok, that people are doing fine. I want to reach everyone, and I want everyone to reach me and each other. Break the silence about whatever it is that's keeping you down or keeping those around you down. Let's work together.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello World!!

Even though I have no readers yet, I will continue to write. Someone, somewhere, will come across this blog. For now, I guess I will let you into my mind for a minute or two. 

I feel I already know my purpose in life. This blog is laying the foundation for my future achievements. I want to help kids... more specifically teens. I can't go into all the details because I would never want someone to steal my idea, but I can tell you that when I get everything into motion, I will be able to uplift every teen who is down, depressed, or feeling unworthy of a great future.

I want to be a psychologist... maybe this is why I feel the need to have people talk about abuse. I want to know what they are thinking, how they are feeling... I want to encourage and motivate. Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, or just mental. You could be living in abuse, but not recognize it.

Just read the blogs and write about your feelings... your past, your present. I don't care... Just help me break the silence!