Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm On a Mission...

Hi There,

I'm not sure how I wanted my first blog to turn out because I'm kind of new to this whole thing... but here goes nothing.

My Blog, [Broken Silence], is something that I have high hopes for. My goal is to use this blog to connect with others who have went through, or are currently going through, abuse. When I speak of abuse I am including both physically and emotionally.

Being a survivor of domestic abuse, I can understand how it feels to feel alone... To think that YOU are doing something wrong... To feel as though you can not speak of anything that happens in your home.

I want EVERYONE to understand that abuse is something deathly toxic. We can not keep quiet anymore! Lets talk about abuse. Lets connect with others. Lets make a difference together.

I hope you will visit often. Share your stories, your feelings, your advice.

Thanks For Listening.


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